Registered Technologist, Registered Mammographer, Registered Breast Sonographer
"I assist our surgeons with stereotactic and ultrasound-guided breast biopsies to provide the best possible imaging to make their jobs easier for them and our patients"
"The entire Breast Health Team has a certain job to do with a variety of responsibilities all centered around patient care. The initial imaging may be the most important. Early detection is the key. I feel sometimes that is forgotten."
"I wish our community knew that not only are we knowledgeable and efficient with our skills, but that we care. You're just not another patient to us, we become friends. Many times in public and church, ladies will always recognize me as the lady who did their mammogram. Just the other day, a lady stopped me and told me that I did her mammogram that found her breast cancer. All those years later, she still remembers me."
"Definitely the hugs. By the time our patients have gotten to us for their biopsies, they are terrified, haven't slept the night before, fearing the unknown. Their mind has already went to the worst case scenario. Just a hand to hold eases their fears just a bit. They are so appreciative."